PD Publishes 2012 Northeast Ohio ‘Best of Golf’ List

The Cleveland Plain Dealer ran a survey for the past six weeks asking for votes for the best this-that-and-the-other-category as it relates to golf in Northeast Ohio. On Sunday, the results were in.

See the results of that survey here, along with the number of votes earned by each course. The list was published in the golf tab included with the Sunday paper yesterday, May 6th.

Outside of the freakish number of appearances by Mallard Creek on the list (proprietor-incentivized voting, perhaps?), the results seem spot on.

But feel free to voice your own opinions on any of these topics in our NEOHgolf.com comments section below — or create your own category and with it a course nomination!

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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