Oslie Wins 2010 CGA Pine Hills Event

Championship Golf Association of Northeast OhioKory Oslie posted a 1-over par 73 to win the Championship Golf Association stroke play event at Pine Hills on Sunday by a single shot over Mark Borlin. Scott Heran finished third with a 75.

Oslie, Kory353873
Borlin, Mark353974
Heran, Scott393675
Predovic, Dan393978
Loomis, Rob394180
Marshall, Dave413980
Mooney, Bill374380
Coe, Scott423981
Jenkins, Jeff394382
Bergold, Bill414283
Ciccarello, Mark414283
Feist, Steve414283
Hanley, Bob453984
Okeson, Chris424385
Gomez, Erron414586
Denk, Joe424789
Huss, Kyle444589
Thompson, Aaron395089
Angie, Mike41xNC
Hilinski, John494998
Banyas, Stephen5354107
. . .
Huss, Kyle (Hole: 1 Score: 3)
Borlin, Mark (Hole: 2 Score: 3)
Jenkins, Jeff (Hole: 4 Score: 2)
Borlin, Mark (Hole: 17 Score: 3)
Photo of author

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