Wow! What an incredible night!
Once again, the powerful vehicle of golf revealed first-hand its limitless potential to bring people of every age, skill level and ability together for a greater purpose.
Thank you to all of the players and supporters who joined NOGA last night in support of The Turn. Guests not only had a fun night to remember, but perhaps also took home a greater awareness for an incredible organization providing life-changing health and wellness programs to people with physical disabilities right here in our own backyard.

If your experience last night inspired you to consider making a greater investment in The Turn, whether through time, talent or treasure, I ask you to please take a few moments to explore the support opportunities on our website or contact me directly to continue the conversation.
Thanks to all of the NOGA players and friends for making the first-ever NOGA Night at Topgolf a great event! And stay tuned for more details on a March event date…