No “Big Break” for Dwayne Randall

It was an email break-up after an early April fling: sorry, it just didn’t work out.

Long time Chardon pro Dwayne Randall, who is now head professional at Peek-n-Peak Resort in western NY, received an email from The Big Break with the bad news last week that he had not made the final cut for the next installment of the golf reality TV show.

“It was no dice on the Big Break,” Randall said to “I received an email explaining that I was considered, thank you for applying, invited me to try again in the future, and good luck, that sort of thing.”

Guess Northeast Ohio golfers have to get over the disappointment of not having a familiar face grace the show next season by watching the hotties the Golf Channel has lined up for this season starting May 14th…

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Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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