Message from The Medalist Tour

Mike Hastings - The Medalist TourI want to encourage everyone to help us finish The Medalist Tour’s season strong!

We still have five events remaining on our schedule, including our Tour Championship plus a brand new event that we are announcing today.

We  just added a 2-man scramble event to precede our end-of-year banquet on Friday October 1st. That event will be held at Rosemont CC with an afternoon shotgun start followed by our awards banquet. The cost will be $300 per team and first place will be a guaranteed $3,000. The price includes the dinner after. Your team can be made up of one pro/one am or two amateurs.

Our next two events are tomorrow at Legends of Massillon and next Thursday at Shale Creek GC. We are already finalizing our schedule for next season and the details will be announced at the awards banquet.

Thanks for everyone who has helped us get our tour off the ground and we hope to see those of you who haven’t played with us yet out at one of our remaining events. Until then, thanks again for all your support.

– Mike Hastings, The Medalist Tour

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Mike Hastings

Mike is the Founder of The Medalist Tour in Northeast Ohio.

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