Medalist Tour’s 2010 Pro-Am Filling Up

The Medalist TourThe first-ever Medalist Tour event, the Boosters’ Club Pro-Am Invitational to be played on April 29th at Boulder Creek Golf Club, has 26 teams registered as of today, with space for just 10 more teams available.

If you can get a pro and four amateurs lined up for this different variation pro/scramble format event, get your team signed up here.

Don’t have a full team? You’re not alone. Medalist Tour Director Mike Hastings says he is helping a number of pros and amateurs who are “singles” to join up to form new teams. So if you are interested in playing but don’t have a full team, email Mike with your contact information and he will help you make a connection…

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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