Too Much! Medalist Tour Extends Free 2010 Membership Offer Until January 1

The Northeast Ohio Golf website sent too many players to The Medalist Tour website to sign up for a free 2010 membership (see story below). So for a couple more days players get a second chance!

Originally, director Mike Hastings said the first 100 players who signed up for The Medalist Tour would not have to pay the 2010 membership fee of $75 for ams and/or $195 for pros.

But since readers pushed the number past 100 by the middle of Christmas Day (just a day-and-a-half after posting the story!), Mike has decided that every player who registers at The Medalist Tour website by the stroke of midnight on New Years Eve gets the same deal!

Don’t get shut out because this deadline won’t be extended again. If you want to be a 2010 Medalist Tour member and save yourself some cash in the process, you have until December 31st at midnight to register here

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Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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