FINAL RESULTS: 2017 U.S. Open Cleveland Qualifier

Randy Dietz
Randy Dietz of Kent earned his way out of the playoff to nab a U.S. Open Local Qualifying spot at Beechmont

Final results from the 2017 U.S. Open Local Qualifying Tournament for the Greater Cleveland area, held at Beechmont Country Club on Tuesday, May 9th:

1 Justin Lower, Canal Fulton, Ohio -4
2 Timothy Raleigh, Bentleyville, Ohio -2
T3 Nathan Tarter, Mogadore, Ohio -1
T3 Patrick Wilkes-Krier, Ann Arbor, Mich. -1
T3 Jake Scott, Strongsville, Ohio -1
T6 Randy Dietz, Kent, Ohio Even (Playoff)
T6 Shyamal Nagindas, Canada Even (Playoff)

T6 Maxwell Scott Moldovan, Canton / Green High School Even (Playoff)
T6 Lucas Kim, Canada Even (Playoff)

See Green High School freshman Maxwell Moldovan‘s playoff story here >


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