Twin Lakes 2-M Scramble Series Continues with ADGA GOY Points Up for Grabs

The Fairways at Twin LakesThe first weekend in June 2013 features just one competitive event on the Tournament Calendar, but it should see a big field!

ADGAThe Fairways at Twin Lakes will host the June edition of their monthly 2-Man Scramble Series, but with a twist: this playing offers Golfer of the Year points for Akron District Golf Association members!

Only nine 2-player team spots remain before the field is full, so get your entry in today [entry details here]! (The Fairways is a 9-hole golf course played twice from two sets of tees for these events, so this “only 9 spots left” statement isn’t a marketing cliche; the field has to make the turn back to #1 so the number of teams that can play truly is limited.)

Entry fee is $180 per team (just $25 for golf/cart, $40 to tournament entry, and $25 to skins per player) with all money paid in for the pot and skins returned in full as determined by the number of entries. A truly great deal.

And to sweeten the value, the golf course is offering a discounted practice round in advance of Sunday’s play to all players entered into the event! Just call in to set up a time and you will only pay the cart fee ($6.00 for 9 or $12.00 for 18) to check out this great old-style golf course.

Entry deadline for Sunday is 5pm this Thursday, May 30th; watch Northeast Ohio Golf for starting times soon after, plus complete event results on Sunday night!

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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