Hewit Posts 66 in First Round of Summit County Am

Rick Bryson
Rick Bryson hits from the front bunker on the par-5 second hole Saturday at the Summit County Am.

Parker HewittParker Hewit of Westfield Center went low in the first round of the 2013 Summit County Amateur Golf Championship on Saturday, posting a 66 for a two shot lead after day one.

Hot on his heels is one of Cleveland’s hottest players, Dave Sotka of Chardon, who sits in second place with a 68.

Kurt Peterson of Massillon trails by one more, having shot 69. Four players sit at 1-under par 70, including past champions Dave Oates and Aaron Crewse.

They’ll all have to make a big run at Hewit to catch him, as he’s had a strong 2013 season thus far.

First round results and second round starting times below. (Our apologies to all for the server issue and the delay!)

BTW, welcome back Tim Davis! See him in the Round 1 Photo Gallery


Summit County Amateur Golf Championship
2013 Summit County Amateur Golf Championship

Good Park Golf Course, Akron, Ohio
Saturday, August 3rd

1Parker Hewit343266
2David Sotka333568
3Kurt Peterson333669
4David Oates363470
 Aaron Crewse353570
 Dean Cutlip343670
 Jason Chadima343670
8David Archer II353671
 Rob Loomis343771
 Tanner Kirby343771
11Steve Blackburn373572
 Alex Talbott373572
 Ryan Oldfield363672
 Jeremy Knight353772
 Bobby Spino353772
 Jake McBride353772
 Mark Thomas353772
18Josh Anderson383573
 Ty Kovach383573
 Anthony Stallsmith373673
 Howard Clendenin373673
 Rick Bryson373673
 Jim Krivanec363773
 Brendan Bryne363773
 Chris Slates363773
 Mike King363773
 Jim Cea353873
 Zach Mosholder353873
 AJ Spalding353873
 Larry Lahnan343973
31Drew Thompson383674
 Taylor Feith373774
 Ian Marek373774
 Fred Miller373774
 Rick Merrow363874
 Stephen Spalding363874
 John Tidenberg363874
 Mark Ciccarello353974
 David Trier344074
40Joe Ungvary Jr.393675
 Mychal Agarenzo383775
 Chris Okeson383775
 Tom Arison363975
 Josh Clay363975
 Mike Grieve363975
 John Kabasky363975
 Bob Hennigan363975
 Tommy Li354075
 Kenny Earle354075
 Nick Paxos334275
 Paul Minko334275
 Tyler McHugh334275
53Rob Schustrich413576
 Al Freeman403676
 Ryan Maxwell393776
 Evan Lerner393776
 Connor McCaulley393776
 Lonnie Kammer393776
 Michael Lenartowicz393776
 Anthony Yacovazzi393776
 Jack Kastor383876
 Alex Mosteller383876
 Mac McLaughlin383876
 Brandon Nixon383876
 Kyle Sullivan373976
 Dominic Patella373976
 Michael Bognar364076
 Tim Hinchcliffe354176
 Mark Guadagni354176
70Wil Bethune403777
 Jack Uecker403777
 Daniel Metzendorf403777
 Conor McKiernan383977
 Brian Vincelette383977
 Matthew Kreider383977
 Dan Marr383977
 Mike Simpson383977
 Brian Beebe374077
 Doug Fleming374077
 Mathew Kraus364177
81Alex Loftin423678
 Michael Witmer403878
 Nevada Lemon393978
 Jeff Cockerham393978
 Chris Koza393978
 Ryan Headley384078
 Matt Warren384078
 Niko Anagnost384078
 Jay Carpenter384078
 John Furlong384078
 Rob Yanko374178
 John Schnur374178
93Dieken Reed423779
 Bobby Harmon413879
 Rich Lowry413879
 Alan Lewis403979
 Chris Letson403979
 David Griffith394079
 Dave Goda394079
 Shaun Kloetzer384179
 Tom Markham384179
 Ken Troutman384179
 Quinn Parker384179
 Brandon Shannon364379
105Pat Feeney404080
 Tom Baugh404080
 Tim Heavner404080
 Jeff Wenger404080
 Andrew Strope404080
 Matt Shomo394180
 Blake Foutty394180
 Tommy Miano394180
 Jason Zachardy394180
 Ron Bell374380
 Erron Gomez364480
116Joe Strawinski414081
 Michael Hochschwender404181
 Ryan Allio394281
 Michael Dugan394281
 Bruce Bailey384381
 Geoffrey Burge384381
 Jeremy Payne384381
 Dennis Berkheimer374481
 Nick Moody374481
125Joe Nemeth463682
 Bryan Roth443882
 Brian Chadima433982
 Dustin Alcorn424082
 Mike Armour424082
 Austin Schreiber414182
 Nick Boccio404282
 Mike Hamilton404282
 Robert Moore394382
134Kevin Richardson434083
 Tyler Watkins414283
 Mike Mastran404383
 Chris Kayafas384583
138Chris Plute404484
139Adam Kline444185
 Thomas Ward434285
 Larry Kerns424385
 James Beresh424385
 Steve Wilson424385
 Pat Wheeler424385
 Randy Skorman414485
 Chris Horne414485
 Sam Scala404585
148Kevan Sloan454186
 Warren Lynum II454186
 Ray Prokop444286
151Mike Shortridge454287
 Kenny Chuparkoff384987
153Jeffrey Barbas434689
 Denny Krill424789
155Dante D’Andrea464490
 Jim Brown454590
 Rocky Laubscher424890
158Sam Pupino454691
 Mike Schustrich434891
160James Reed474592
161Dale Feith435093
162Ryan Corrao504494
 John McSteen464894
 Dave Sattler454994
165Kevin Harper514495
166John Good5349102


Summit County Amateur Golf Championship

Good Park Golf Course, Akron
Sunday, August 4th, 2013

7:28Good, John7:28Alcorn, Dustin
 Harper, Kevin Nemeth, Joe
 Laubscher, Rocky McSteen, John
 Sattler, Dave  
7:36Brown, Jim7:36Armour, Mike
 Schustrich, Mike Chadima, Brian
 Pupino, Sam Schreiber, Austin
7:44Lewis, Alan7:44Dugan, Michael
 Richardson, Kevin Hamilton, Mike
 Roth, Bryan Boccio, Nick
7:52Barbas, Jeffrey7:52Bailey, Bruce
 Chuparkoff, Kenny Burge, Geoffrey
 Shortridge, Mike Moore, Robert
8:00Corrao, Ryan8:00Berkheimer, Dennis
 Feith, Dale Moody, Nick
 Reed, James Hochschwender, Michael
8:08Fleming, Doug8:08Allio, Ryan
 Foutty, Blake Payne, Jeremy
 Sloan, Kevan Strawinski, Joe
8:16Baugh, Tom8:16Bell, Ron
 Markham, Tom Heavner, Tim
 Yanko, Rob Shomo, Matt
8:24Beresh, James8:24Feeney, Pat
 Lynum II, Warren Gomez, Erron
 Prokop, Ray Wenger, Jeff
8:40Kline, Adam8:40Kloetzer, Shaun
 Ward, Thomas Miano, Tommy
 Wilson, Steve Strope, Andrew
8:48Kerns, Larry8:48Griffith, David
 Scala, Sam Shannon, Brandon
 Wheeler, Pat Troutman, Ken
8:56Horne, Chris8:56Harmon, Bobby
 Plute, Chris Letson, Chris
 Skorman, Randy Lowry, Rich
9:04Kayafas, Chris9:04Goda, Dave
 Mastran, Mike Parker, Quinn
 Watkins, Tyler Reed, Dieken
9:12D’Andrea, Dante9:12Lemon, Nevada
 Krill, Denny Loftin, Alex
 Zachardy, Jason Schnur, John
  9:20Carpenter, Jay
   Cockerham, Jeff
   Witmer, Michael
12:15Anagnost, Niko12:15Arison, Tom
 Headley, Ryan Furlong, John
 Warren, Matt Grieve, Mike
12:23Koza, Chris12:23Ciccarello, Mark
 McKiernan, Conor Marek, Ian
 Metzendorf, Daniel Trier, David
12:31Kraus, Mathew12:31Merrow, Rick
 Simpson, Mike Miller, Fred
 Vincelette, Brian Spalding, Stephen
12:39Beebe, Brian12:39Feith, Taylor
 Marr, Dan Thompson, Drew
 Uecker, Jack Tidenberg, John
12:47Bethune, Wil12:47Bryne, Brendan
 Bognar, Michael Clendenin, Howard
 Kreider, Matthew Stallsmith, Anthony
12:55Hinchcliffe, Tim12:55Cea, Jim
 Mosteller, Alex Kovach, Ty
 Sullivan, Kyle Krivanec, Jim
1:03Freeman, Al1:03King, Mike
 Lerner, Evan Mosholder, Zach
 Maxwell, Ryan Spalding, AJ
1:11Guadagni, Mark1:11Anderson, Josh
 Nixon, Brandon Bryson, Rick
 Patella, Dominic Lahnan, Larry
1:27Lenartowicz, Michael1:27Knight, Jeremy
 McCaulley, Connor Slates, Chris
 McLaughlin, Mac Thomas, Mark
1:35Kammer, Lonnie1:35Spino, Bobby
 Kastor, Jack Blackburn, Steve
 Schustrich, Rob McBride, Jake
1:43Kabasky, John1:43Loomis, Rob
 McHugh, Tyler Oldfield, Ryan
 Yacovazzi, Anthony Talbott, Alex
1:51Agarenzo, Mychal1:51Archer II, David
 Minko, Paul Cutlip, Dean
 Ungvary Jr., Joe Kirby, Tanner
1:59Clay, Josh1:59Chadima, Jason
 Hennigan, Bob Crewse, Aaron
 Li, Tommy Oates, David
2:07Earle, Kenny2:07Hewit, Parker
 Okeson, Chris Peterson, Kurt
 Paxos, Nick Sotka, David
Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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