Has Scott Holmes Taken Financial Advantage of Other Ohio Professional Golf Tournaments?

PGA Professional Doug Davis of River Greens Golf Club in Coshocton provided the following response by email when asked by Northeast Ohio Golf about rumors of cheating brought up by a number of professionals at this year’s playing of the Coshocton Hospital’s Charity Pro-Am on August 6th:

Game story about the CCMH pro-am from the local Coshocton Tribune newspaper here.

(Words in parenthesis added to the email for clarification.)

“Scott Holmes played last year (2009) in the pro-am, but no red flags came up. This year, he brought his own team and showed up about five minutes before the 10:00 a.m. shotgun.

When the round was over, I immediately had some pros tell me there was no way this guy could shoot (the winning score of 9-under par) 63. But I had no proof. I later found out about the (Medalist Tour) lawsuit, and I also talked to Dominic Antenucci at the NOPGA who told me that they had (conduct) problems with him at the Ohio Open.

When I announced the winners, Scott did not show his face. He was in his car and so was his amateur team. But the problem was I had no proof to accuse him of cheating. We did not have scorers on every hole or with each group.

I knew most of the pros, even the ones that brought their own teams, and thought I had no worries.

As far as I am concerned, Scott is not invited back next year and I hope this will not be a black mark on the pro-am. CCMH (Coshocton County Metro Hospital) has worked very hard on this tournament. We are talking about using scorers next year.”


2 thoughts on “Has Scott Holmes Taken Financial Advantage of Other Ohio Professional Golf Tournaments?”

  1. I would like to start by saying that Scott Holmes is not a golf professional! He wants to be a professional for years and can’t make it as one so he turned to the oldest trick in the book. “”Bring a friend, we won’t tell anyone, we’ll split the money.” wink wink. I have known Scott for awhile and his amateur friend. Oh by the way, that amateur friend “”Brent” just happened to be playing in another state, as a professional, while the court date was going on. That’s why he wan’t there ““ have the court make him answer that question. They set this all up! I have seen the strange faces on players faces as they see Scott’s final scores in tournaments when they kept everyones scores on their scorecards. Overhearing comments like, “ he didn’t shoot that score” and “”he hit it out of bounds on that hole, how did he make par?” You should also ask Mr. Holmes about how he gets money for playing in events the last 3 years? He’s a professional thief. He steals clubs, shafts and even iron sets from US and Foreign players and sells them online. He says, “”I’m on staff with Taylormade” yet the TM rep has never acknowledged that. As far as the amateur golfer Brent, he isn’t. He turned pro a while ago, but he’s as bad as Scott, so he just hasn’t cashed in any events so we’ll still call him an amateur. APPEAL THE DECISION and find out that in cross examination that they planned this whole thing, that his partner is not an amateur, he lies to everyone and no way (ill say it again) NO WAY can Scott Holmes shoot 63 unless Brent is his partner! Hey Scott, if your reading this ““ we know who can play in Ohio and you’re not one of them. The dream is over. Go cheat at another occupation, like an insurance salesmen. LOL ! PS. I wish I could come forward, but he’s not worth it. Scott Holmes = all talk no game! Grand Larceny. My final thought, if an amateur who would have won the event drives home, can’t sleep, can’t live with himself, tells a million people then spends the money and time to drive back to court, none the less, and testifies against him says Volumes! Scott if it walks like a duck”¦..

  2. That’s too bad that it has come to this, but, it’s not really that big of a surprise either. Some people will do whatever they can, cheat or steal, to win. I came to the conclusion years ago that 4-man scrambles are a cheaters paradise. I do like the 2 or 3-man scrambles where teams are playing against each other on the same hole. It eliminates the element of cheating. At least you hope it does. Some events don’t like friends playing together. And this is one of the main reasons why. Tournament directors and those responsible are now going to have to take a closer look at incoming scorecards. Eraser marks on a scorecard with obvious changes to the numbers without the player and markers initials beside those holes scores should have been called into question and I as a tournament director myself would have DQ’d this person on the spot. But things are missed. I’ve had this happen in my flight at the World Amateur Handicap in Myrtle Beach, SC one year. A guy pulled the “slip into the bathroom stall and change his score” trick before he handed it in. One of the players who played in his group noticed his score was wrong after the third round. I’ve made it a point to keep a separate scorecard for the threesome or foursome to keep the scores accurate down there. Sometimes honest mistakes are made, people forget a hole and screw up the scoring on their players card. It can happen. Then you have those people on the flip side that can ruin a game that is suppose to be kept honest and pure. It really take the fun and joy of running these events right out of you.

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Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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