Golf Classified Ads Section Launches for 2012

Golf Classified AdsSell your ‘pre-owned’ golf clubs. Review services like golf fitness classes, club fitting, video lessons, more. Look for golf course coupons and deals. Find a partner for an upcoming team event. These are the four categories initially offered for the launch of the Golf Classified Ads Section!

As a welcome to all, every ad posting is FREE until April 15th! So test out the Northeast Ohio Golf Classified Ads today and see if you can’t clean out your club bin or find a buyer for what you’re selling! Give it a try; learn more here

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

Thomas A. Skidmore Akron Attorney
Boulder Creek Golf Club
Kaulig Companies Championship
Crest Roofing | Bobby Spino 330-714-4653
Five Iron Golf Clveland
Busha Okeson Insurance
Cavitch Familo & Durkin