Golf Chatter: Let’s Get Out There…

News and Notes for Northeast Ohio GolfTime to get the rust off and get ready for the start of the 2009 golf season!

The $100 Big Skins Game at Chippewa GC goes full swing this Monday starting at 11:30 a.m. (and every Monday through the summer unless posted here). Golf and cart fees are greatly reduced and cover play for the entire day, so it’s arguably the best competitive golf deal in Northeast Ohio. And since the format is a big skins game (fire at the flags!), everyone has a chance. It’s a great way to get in “playing shape” for the season, so get out there.

If you didn’t act fast enough to get a team into the sold-out 6-Man Scramble at Eagle Creek GC in Norwalk next week Sunday, April 19, there is still time to get your team into the Opening Day 6-Man Cash Scramble at Chippewa on Saturday, April 25th. A great field is expected there, with some big payouts.

There is a full slate of early spring tournament action coming up in the next couple of weeks, including the launches of the Akron District Golf Association, the Championship Golf Association, the Stark County Amateur Golf Association and the Golf Galaxy Tour. So check the Tournament Calendar for dates and keep an eye on Northeast Ohio Golf for complete details…

— Allen Freeman

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Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

Thomas A. Skidmore Akron Attorney
Boulder Creek Golf Club
Kaulig Companies Championship
Crest Roofing | Bobby Spino 330-714-4653
Five Iron Golf Clveland
Busha Okeson Insurance
Cavitch Familo & Durkin