Give Me Golf News

I need your help to make this site successful. I need a “network”. Eyes and ears; mini Deep Throats, if you will. Here’s how you can help:

If you hear about a competitive tournament, scramble or scratch league and it’s not listed here, tell me. If you hear about a golf course that’s opening/closing/changing business practices, tell me. If you hear about something interesting related to golf, golfers or the business of golf in Northeast Ohio, tell me.

Just email me at Tell me the story, tell me if you want your name mentioned or if you wish to remain anonymous.

Doesn’t matter if the story is big or small, just tell me…

–Allen Freeman

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

Thomas A. Skidmore Akron Attorney
Boulder Creek Golf Club
Kaulig Companies Championship
Crest Roofing | Bobby Spino 330-714-4653
Five Iron Golf Clveland
Busha Okeson Insurance
Cavitch Familo & Durkin