Furlong & Skirpstas Win 2009 Ashland Am-Am

Country Club of AshlandOn a beautiful day and a well-conditioned golf course, the team of John Furlong and Pete Skirpstas shot 5-under par 67 in the 2-man better ball format to win the 48th edition of the Ashland Am-Am. That score was good for a one-shot win over four teams.

Skins were made with birdies on holes 8 and 11, and eagles on 5 and 15, each worth $165. Prize amounts listed below are gift certificates for each player in the Ashland pro shop.

2009 Ashland Am-Am 2-Man Better Final Results
The Country Club of Ashland, Sunday June 14, 2009

67        John Furlong & Pete Skirpstas  $277 ea
68        Brian Smith & Norton Brick  $158.13 ea
68        Brian Montgomery & J. Thompson  $158.13 ea
68        Chris Okeson & Rob Schustrich  $158.13 ea
68        Allen Freeman & Ty Kovach  $158.13 ea
70        Scott Green & Steve Paramore  $69.17 ea
70        A. Kronander & Matt Cherry  $69.17 ea
70        Jason Leeds & Terry Wamack  $69.17 ea
71        Fred Miller & Larry Lahnan  $35.00 ea

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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