FREE Golf Swing, Health and Fitness Seminar December 9th at Sleepy Hollow

It’s the stuff you need to think about and work on this winter if you want to be a better player — and it’s completely FREE. (My favorite price!)

Three well-credentialed experts in their fields will host a free seminar at Sleepy Hollow Golf Course in Brecksville this Wednesday, December 9th from 7-9 p.m. on how health and fitness closely tie-in to a great golf swing:

John Fiander, PGA Master Professional, 2003 Northern Ohio Teacher of the Year and Titleist Performance Institute Certified Golf Fitness Instructor Level 1, will present the connection between fitness and swing flaws and/or limitations.  Examples of corrective exercises to improve flexibility and mobility will be shown and how a custom TPI exercise program can be designed for each individual;

Bruce Sherman, PhD., Exercise Physiologist and Advance Certified Golf Fitness Instructor, will do a live demonstration of advanced 3-D swing motion technology.  See how your swing can be converted into a 3-D model and then analyzed to maximize your efficiency and power;

Dr. Adam Mack CSCS, Certified Chiropractor and owner of The Brecksville Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Center, will discuss common golfer injuries, how to avoid them, and what rehab therapy is needed when injuries occur.

This is a great opportunity to learn some important concepts from guys who really know their stuff. And even more incredible, it’s FREE! But space is limited, so register asap by email or call Sleepy Hollow at 440-526-4285.

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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