It was a laugher. An old-fashioned rear-end whoopin’. The mercy rule almost kicked in.
The long-time team of Mike Kracker and Dr. Jeff Mallette ran circles around the other 27 two-player teams in the field at the Turkeyfoot Golf Links’ 27-Hole Fall 2-Man Jumble, played on Sunday in Akron.
Kracker and Mallette won by a gaudy seven shots with an near flawless score of 14-under par 92: 4-under par in the better ball format; 3-under par in alternate shot; and a whopping 7-under par in the scramble format that included an eagle-birdie-birdie start.
The pair finished first in two of the nine hole sections and in second place in the other, plus they won a skin as well — good for a pirate-like haul of $1,425 on the day. Aaargh! Pass the rum.
In a distant second place at 7-under par total were the teams of Dave Oates / Mike Simpson and Tommy Li / Doug Rockich.
As always, a special thanks to Tim Davis and Charlie Mozingo for a well run event. Great job!
FINAL RESULTS: 2010 Turkeyfoot 27-Hole Fall 2-Man Jumble
Turkeyfoot Lake Golf Links, Akron Ohio – Sept. 19th
1 Jeff Mallette/Mike Kracker 29-31-32 92 -14 $740.00
T2 Dave Oates/Mike Simpson 31-34-34 99 -7 $490.00
T2 Tommie Li/Doug Rockich 35-34-30 99 -7 $490.00
4 Tom Stack/Fred Martin 35-33-32 100 -6 $340.00
T5 Gould/Skufca 31-36-34 101 -5 $120.00
T5 Drew Thompson/Russell Rybka 33-36-32 101 -5 $120.00
Better Ball [Holes 10-18] – Par 35
Better Ball Skins
Miller/Bell #13 $430
Better Ball Cash Pot
Mallette/Kracker 31 $175
Crewse/Vincelette 31 $175
Miller/Bell 32 $45
Freeman/Stiller 32 $45
Alternate Shot [Holes 19-27] – Par 35
Alternate Shot Skins
Thompson/Rybka #27 Eagle $430
Alternate Shot Cash Pot
Li/Rockich 30 $220
Mallette/Kracker 32 $75
Stack/Martin 32 $75
Thompson/Rybka 32 $75
Scramble [Holes 1-9] Par 36
Scramble Skins
Mallette/Kracker #1 $215.00
Crewse/Vincelette #6 $215.00
Scramble Cash Pot
Mallette/Kracker 29 $220
Crewse/Vincelette 31 $110
Oates/Simpson 31 $110