FINAL RESULTS: 2010 Ohio Senior Amateur

Ohio Golf AssociationFinal results from the 2010 Ohio Senior Amateur Golf Championship as conducted by the Ohio Golf Association at Scioto Reserve Country Club in Powell, Ohio on August 10th – 11th:

Randy ReifersColumbus7070140
Jeffrey KnoxSolon6972141
Marc FriedSolon7369142
Raymond SovikPowell7270142
Taylor MetcalfeGlendale7171142
David DowneyGahanna7271143
Tom CastorAshland7073143
John HillsSylvania7273145
Jeff SparksCincinnati7273145
Michael CassellHudson6976145
Rick AreddyAurora7472146
Frank ChasarDublin7572147
Philip RussoCincinnati7275147
Chuck ParsonsSpringfield7275147
Larry DugginsDayton7474148
Fred MillerAurora7375148
Paul FisselChagrin Falls7375148
Rick BollingerParma7772149
Tom ElfersLoveland7574149
Bob DeJuliusHighland Heights7674150
Denny GallagherCincinnati7674150
Fred GrimmHolland7972151
Michael KennedyHolland7774151
Gary HulsDayton7576151
Michael ChesterBucyrus7576151
Brooks KerrickDayton7576151
Gordon WillinsWest Chester7378151
Miles CumberlandDublin7378151
Robert BilesColumbus7973152
George PapasStrongsville7577152
Steve BedellBrecksville7181152
Barry LamplMoreland Hills8271153
Rick OsgoodToledo7876154
Rick MerrowAkron7381154
Juan MuzquizMiddletown7976155
Chris BernadinoGrove City7976155
Dan SmithFairfield7976155
Doug CrimColumbus7679155
Jerry ZwieslerDayton7679155
Gary ConditWesterville8274156
Randy YoungNorth Canton7978157
Gus CrimColumbus7978157
Michael DetjenDublin7681157
Bill EschWorthington8375158
Pat ShefferColumbus8276158
Doug JacksonColumbus7979158
Bob GrossiWesterville7781158
Rick SmialekDublin7682158
Tom YoungGreenville8178159
Keith PlutoParma7782159
Terry JohnsonFairfield8278160
Robert BernadinoColumbus8179160
James O’NeillNew Albany7684160
Bill ClineColumbus8379162
Stanley SanfordDublin7983162
Ronald ConardSpringfield8282164
David WolffCincinnati8680166
Dennis McGuireUpper Sandusky8284166
Gregory MerrittLondon8981170
William WilliamsPowell8884172
Greg HelwigGranville8588173
Michael MarinColumbus8787174
Robert SmithWestlakeDQDQ
John TaylorPowell68NCNC
Michael WalpoleDayton82NCNC
Ken SweeneyLima83NCNC
Michael FlickGalionNSNS
Doug Van NostranNorth Canton76WDWD
Bob KainHunting Balley79WDWD
Mike GoodColumbusWDWD
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