FINAL RESULTS: 2010 CGA Red Tail Stroke Play

Final results from the Championship Golf Association individual stroke play tournament held at Red Tail Golf Club in Avon, Ohio on Sunday, August 29th:

Adams, George413677
Smith, Brian393978
Coe, Scott413879
Hanley, Bob384179
Heran, Scott384179
Mintz, Mike384381
Sowa, Greg394281
Harmon, Bobby424082
Thompson, Drew433982
Angie, Mike453883
Okeson, Chris424284
Denk, Joe434487
Lynch, Michael454287
Schwartz, Will543791
Breen, Kevin504595
Palmer, Oliver474996
Stull, Mitch445397
Brick, Norton41XX
Harris, Zack50XX
Jenkins, Jeff44XX
Stull, Mitch (Hole: 2 Score: 3)
Sowa, Greg (Hole: 6 Score: 4)
Angie, Mike (Hole: 9 Score: 3)
Smith, Brian (Hole: 17 Score: 2)

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