AGT Series Qualifier – Westfield South

Westfield Country Club

6500 Greenwich Rd, Westfield Center   COURSE DETAILS >

Mon May 24, 2021 - 11:00 AM Start

EVENT TYPE / ASSOCIATION: Independent Event, Amateur, Senior, Women
EVENT FORMAT: 2-Player Team Event, Better Ball

Westfield Country Club South
The 2nd Hole on the South Course at Westfield Country Club, site of the 2021 AGT Series Qualifier

AGT SeriesA Qualifying Tournament for the AGT Series, one of 25 qualifying events hosted at some of the finest golf clubs across the upper Midwest.

DATE / START TIME: Monday, May 24, 2021, 11 a.m. SHOTGUN START. Practice area/check-in will open at 9:30 a.m., cart-ready at 10:45 a.m.

FORMAT: Teams of 2 players, each playing their own ball, will compete in a Gross and Net better ball format. The lower score between the two players is the score for the team on that hole.

PRIZES: $100 from each team entry fee will be placed in the local tournament prize pool, and an additional $10 per team entry will be added to the National Championship Prize Pool.

The net and gross champions from each qualifying event, 50 teams in total, will not only win a portion of the local event prize pool, but will receive invitations to compete in the AGT Series Championship held at the Big Cedar Golf Resort in Branson, Missouri.

At Big Cedar, those 50 teams will compete for a guaranteed minimum $10,000 prize pool. The more people that play in each local event the higher that prize money total will get.

ELIGIBILITY: The AGT Series is open to all amateur players with a verifiable handicap – NO MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED!

ENTRY FEE: $350 per team. Optional Team Skins: $50 per team

DETAILS & REGISTRATION: 2021 AGT Series Westfield Qualifier >

QUESTIONS? Email Jacob Bridges or call him at 614-746-3079