Dwayne Randall Gets Call-Back for “The Big Break”

Golf pro Dwayne Randall, a long-time Chardon resident and successful tournament player, will spend a few hours in Orlando tomorrow for an in-person range session and camera test as an audition for the upcoming season of the Golf Channel’s “The Big Break” reality show.

Randall, age 39, filled out the online application for the show over the winter with no real expectations. That application led to a 25-minute telephone interview about a month ago, and a statement that an email would follow either with a ‘thanks for interviewing’ or a ‘here’s the next step’. Randall got the call-back.

But Randall was named the Director of Golf at Peek ‘n Peak Resort in Western New York last year (and played in the Section events there well enough to be named the 2011 Western New York PGA Player of the Year!). As the mild weather brought an early spring and with it the resort opening early, Randall was concerned that the resort’s owners would rather have him on-site instead of auditioning for a TV reality show.

But the ownership group of the resort, Scott Enterprises, supported the idea of their lead golf guy getting some television exposure for himself and the resort. “My bosses at Scott we’re behind the idea right away when I told them about it,” he said. “The hope is to get on the show and perhaps gain some exposure for the property, which is really making a huge comeback.”

Randall has no idea what to expect tomorrow. “I don’t know how many people have been asked to audition, I don’t know if it’s all guys or guys and girls — heck, I don’t even know where in the world I would be going if I make it. I just know I need to be in Orlando at 3 p.m. tomorrow to talk to the show producers,” he said.

Northeast Ohio Golf will keep you posted if Dwayne makes it or not. But if he does, there won’t be any more information about what happens after that; a confidentiality agreement goes into effect on what happens in the show until after the entire season airs…

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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