The Southern Ohio PGA Section (SOPGA) won the morning round and had just enough to hold off the Northern Ohio PGA Section (NOPGA) in the afternoon round to take a one-point lead into Wednesday’s final round of the 24th Ohio Cup Matches at Firestone Country Club.
The annual competition between the two Ohio sections of the Professional Golfers Association of America concludes tomorrow with 16 singles matches. The SOPGA is holding an 8.5 to 7.5 lead as it attempts to end the NOPGA’s winning streak at three.
The NOPGA leads the series, 15-8 and needs 16 points to retain the Cup for the fourth year in a row. The SOPGA needs to accumulate 16.5 points to wrest the Cup away.
The SOPGA won the morning Four-Ball two-man team competition, 5.5 to 2.5 as the teams of Sam Arnold/Kyler Booher, Bob Sowards/Andy Montgomery, Daniel Sorgini/Caleb Wittig, Jeff Olson/Chase Wilson and Chris Black/Craig Goldsberry all posted wins.
The NOPGA rallied in the afternoon Foursomes, highlighted by come-from-behind wins or halves in three of the final four matches.
The NOPGA earned halves on the final hole in two of those matches as Jim Troy and Mike Stone drew with Bob Sowards and Andy Montgomery by rallying from 3-down with three holes to play.
The Moss/Adcock team and the Robison/Sierak team won two matches each for the NOPGA, as did the teams of Sorgini/Wittig and Olson/Wilson for the South.
Wednesday’s Singles Matches begin at 8 a.m., again at Firestone South.
2020 Ohio Cup Matches
Firestone Country Club, Akron
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Presented by Titleist, Lavery Chevrolet, Sun Mountain, Ahead, FootJoy
Arnold/Booher SOPGA wins 1 up over Lewicki/Hansen NOPGA
Sowards/Montgomery SOPGA wins 3 & 2 over Meglen/Gustin NOPGA
Moss/Adcock NOPGA wins 3 & 2 over Krapfel/Wells SOPGA
Sorgini/Wittig SOPGA wins 5 & 4 over Dietz/Kumpf NOPGA
Olson/Wilson SOPGA wins 1 up over Troy/Stone NOPGA
Rusnak/Stone NOPGA Tie Bahr/Stephens SOPGA
Black/Goldsberry SOPGA wins 1 up over Camp/Atchison NOPGA
Robison/Sierak NOPGA wins 2 up over Moore/Wade SOPGA
Hansen/Lewicki NOPGA wins 4 & 3 over Arnold/Booher SOPGA
Moss/Adcock NOPGA wins 3 & 2 over Krapfel/Wells SOPGA
Troy/Stone NOPGA Tie Sowards/Montgomery SOPGA
Sorgini/Wittig SOPGA wins 4 & 2 over Meglen/Gustin NOPGA
Olson/Wilson SOPGA wins 1 up over Dietz/Kumpf NOPGA
Rusnak/Stone NOPGA Tie Bahr/Stephens SOPGA
Camp/Atchison NOPGA wins 2 & 1 over Black/Goldsberry SOPGA
Robison/Sierak NOPGA wins 2 & 1 over Moore/Wade SOPGA
DAY 1 TOTALS, 2020 Ohio Cup Matches
Southern Ohio PGA 8.5, Northern Ohio PGA 7.5
2020 Ohio Cup Singles Matches
Firestone Country Club – South Course
Wednesday, October 7,2020
1 8:00
Rob Moss, Pepper Pike Club
Tim Krapfel
1 8:08
Jaysen Hansen, Beechmont
Jeff Olson
1 8:16
Joe Meglen, GolfTEC-Stonebrook
Sam Arnold
1 8:24
Gary Rusnak, Northern Ohio PGA
Chris Black
1 8:32
Randy Dietz, Windmill Golf Center
Kyler Booher
1 8:40
Tom Atchison, Salem GC
Bob Stephens
1 8:48
Mark Sierak, Barrington
Doug Wade
1 8:56
Nick Gustin, Erie Shores GC
Joe Moore
1 9:04
Tony Adcock, Seven Hills CC
Dennis Wells
1 9:12
Steve Stone, Maumee Golf Center
Craig Goldsberry, Bent Tree GC
1 9:20
Mitchell Camp, Club Walden
David Bahr
1 9:28
Gary Robison, Brookside
Bob Sowards
1 9:36
Cory Kumpf, Brookside
Daniel Sorgini
1 9:44
Jim Troy, Honma Golf USA
Chase Wilson
1 9:52
Adam Lewicki, Portage
Andy Montgomery
1 10:00
Mike Stone, Belmont CC
Caleb Wittig