Coaches: High School Golf Team Previews Wanted

Northeast Ohio GolfThe 2016 high school golf season is just around the corner: get some pre-season publicity for your team!

We ask all high school golf coaches (or a designated parent, student or player) to tell Northeast Ohio Golf about your 2016 team and its schedule, so in turn we can tell everyone in our area who loves golf and these golfers.

What We Need to Preview Your High School Golf Team

Any time between now and your team’s first official match, simply email a group photo of the team to

Then in the body of that same email, list out the names of the players on the 2016 team with their year in school (Fr/So/Jr/Sr), following along in the photo left to right. (Please also provide the names of any players not shown in the photo, but who will compete.)

Include this season’s match schedule with dates, opponents, courses.

Then if you’d like, please write a paragraph or two about the team, it’s players, what they have accomplished as a group so far, and any expectations for the upcoming season.

We’ll take the information you send and create a preview story specifically about your team on

Then the players can share that story with family and friends on social media!

Have a question? A suggestion? Email or call Allen Freeman at 216-577-8756.

MATCH RESULTS: Once the season starts, please report all match results by email in the formats outlined here >

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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