In a lightly attended evening after the big Championship weekend, three teams tied for first place with a solid 5-under par 31 in the scramble format on the back nine.
The big winners of the night were Jim Cea and Dave Pulk, as they tied for first place and grabbed two of the three skins on the evening (and a dip into the senior skins, too). The pair climbed a bit on the 2009 season-long standings, but no major moves were made…
Chippewa Scratch Week 15 Results: Scramble Back 9 – 8-24-09
T1st – Cea – Pulk 31 $75 PP $ 116.66 GC
T1st – Thomas – Beal 31 $75 PP $ 116.66 GC
T1st – Diebold – Canter 31 $75 PP $ 116.66 GC
Cea – Pulk #10 / #12 $ 360
Grosso – Petracca #11 $ 180
Sr. Skins
Cea – Pulk #10 / #12 $ 52
VanNostram – Merrow #15 $ 26