Chippewa Monday Scratch League to Start April 27

Chippewa Golf ClubWant to become a better player by going head-to-head with some of the best golfers in Northeast Ohio? Here’s a chance for you and your partner to join one of the most competitive scratch golf leagues in the United States (how’s that for a statement!).

The Chippewa Monday Night Scratch League kicks off in two weeks on April 27th, and a couple of rare open team spots are available. Every event is a 2-man, but with a different competitive format each week: scramble, better ball, alternate shot, combined score, etc.

The league entry fee is $320 per two man team for the season, which puts you and your partner into the main game every week. (You might consider finding a third guy for your team, to split these entry fees and cover some of the weeks when one guy can’t play.) Then each player pays for golf and cart, plus any of the optional team pots and skins games available at check-in. (A great lead-in to these weekly league events is the Chippewa $100 Big Skins Game played every Monday at 11:30 a.m., which allows players to cover the golf and cart fees for the entire day all at once! Details here.)

If you are interested in learning more or joining the Chippewa Monday Night Scratch League, call at the Chippewa Golf Club at 330-658-6126 or email the Chippewa pro shop.

— Allen Freeman

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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