REGISTER NOW: 2025 NOPGA Junior Winter Camps
Sharpen skills, improve fundamentals, get ready for the upcoming season! Camps at Windmill Golf Center for beginners or experienced players.

NOPGA Names Matt Rutland as Director of Competitions
The Northern Ohio PGA Selection Committee has named Matt Rutland to the NOPGA Section Staff as Director of Competitions.
FINAL RESULTS: 2019 NOPGA Denny Shute Match Play Championship
Randy Dietz (Member), Rob Moss (Senior) and Jordan Paolini (Apprentice) won their Divisions in the 2019 NOPGA Denny Shute Match Play.
FINAL RESULTS: 2019 NOPGA v SOPGA Ohio Cup Matches
Final results from the 2019 NOPGA/SOPGA Ohio Cup Matches at The Club at Tartan Fields, Dublin, Ohio on Wed-Thu, October 9-10th.
RD1 RESULTS: 2019 NOPGA/SOPGA Ohio Cup Matches
The Northern Ohio PGA jumped out to a seven point lead over the Southern Ohio PGA after Day 1 of the 2019 Ohio Cup Matches.
RESULTS: 2019 NOPGA Pro-Superintendent Clam Bake
Results from the 2019 NOPGA Pro-Superintendent Clam Bake at the Sand Ridge Golf Club, Chardon OH on Thursday, October 3rd.
RESULTS: 2019 NOPGA Shoot-Out at Shaker
The team of Jaysen Hansen and Dan Terry won the NOPGA's sixth annual Shoot-Out at Shaker.
FINAL RESULTS: 2019 NOPGA East-West Assistants Cup Matches
Final results from the 2019 NOPGA East-West Assistants Cup Matches at Sand Ridge Golf Club, Chardon OH on Thu-Fri, Sep 26-27th.
FINAL RESULTS: 2019 NOPGA Mitchell-Haskell Tour Championship
Randy Dietz wins the 2019 NOPGA Mitchell-Haskell Tour Championship at The Country Club, while Gary Robison earns the Senior title.