The tournament schedule is light for the long 2011 Memorial Day weekend, but there are a couple of event and skins game options available for this coming Saturday and Monday.
NOHIO Golf News
Yankee Run 5-M Results in Question?
Two days after the event was played, the final results from Sunday’s 5-Man Scramble at Yankee Run Golf Course in Brookfield are still not yet finalized for release, as a question has been raised about the validity of the amateur status of one of the players on a top finishing team that had a PGA professional on its roster.
Xempt Players Series Provides a New Option for Northeast Ohio Pros to Prepare for the Tour
Gerry Hammond understands the demands of professional golf. From first-hand experience, Hammond knows that preparing and playing well is just one part of the formula for success. But there is also a financial side to address, and that insight led the PGA professional to create the Xempt Player Series (XPS).
And on May 31st, players from Northeast Ohio can take their shot in Hammond’s mini-tour concept by competing in the XPS qualifier at NCR Country Club in Kettering.
Sleepy Hollow, Hawthorne Valley join Golfweek’s Best Courses You Can Play in Ohio List
Sleepy Hollow Golf Course in Brecksville, the home course for this year’s Cleveland Amateur Golf Championship, and the formerly-private-but-now-public Hawthorne Valley Golf Club in Solon have joined the ranks of “Golfweek’s Best Courses You Can Play” for 2011.
Northeast Ohio Golf Tournament Calendar New and Improved for 2011
Two New “National” Pro Golf Tours Launch with Regional Tournament Ties
Northeast Ohio golf pros looking for some interesting regional professional tournaments with national implications (and the promise of some big money to boot) should review the offerings from the newly formed Xempt Player Series and the newly reconfigured National Pro Golf Tour.