RESULTS: 2022 Greatest Golfer Spring Singles Series #1
Joe Cilone, Andrew Murphy and Casey Croysdale earned victory in the inaugural Belleria Truly Spring Singles Series at Youngstown Country Club.
Joe Cilone, Andrew Murphy and Casey Croysdale earned victory in the inaugural Belleria Truly Spring Singles Series at Youngstown Country Club.
Saturday was a wash-out. So The Greatest Golfer will now put on a 2-player, 36-hole Belleria/Truly Shootout weekend on May 21-22.
GG’s 13th season features a new Spring Series for adults, our Dickey Electric Juniors, and the 54-hole Farmers Bank Greatest Championships.
Brandon Pluchinsky won the Open Division in a playoff, as The Greatest Golfer crowned 14 champions on Sunday at The Lake Club.
See second round scores from the 14 divisions of The Greatest Golfer Tournament, and the 100 players who advanced to The Lake Club finals.
The first round’s top scorers by division of The Greatest Golfer Tournament, played Friday, Aug 13th at multiple Youngstown area courses.