Carry-Over, Double Carry-Over in Play This Wednesday at Fox Den!

This coming Wednesday, August 21st at the Fox Den Wednesday Big Skins Game, the Front 9 Skins has a $170 carry-over in play.

Also this coming Wednesday, August 21, the Second 9 Skins has a whopping $780 DOUBLE carry-over in play!

If you want to play for all this loot this coming Wednesday:

For the Front 9 at 2:30p:
If you played the Front 9 last week: $20 ams/$30 pros
If you didn’t play the Front 9 last week: $40 ams/$60 pros

For the Back 9 at 5p:
If you played the Front 9 the last TWO weeks: $20 ams/$30 pros
If you played the Front 9 one of the last two weeks: $40 ams/$60 pros
If you did not play either of the last two weeks: $60 ams/$90 pros

Photo of author

Joe Vojtko

Joe is the PGA Golf Professional at Fox Den Golf Course in Stow.

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