Boulder Creek Begins Spam Campaign

The management team at Boulder Creek Golf Club in Streetsboro sent out their first spam email campaign today — and even had the audacity to call the recipient list “Metro Parks”.

In late September, Boulder Creek requested email lists from nearly every city- or county-owned golf course in the area through a highly suspect public records request. Today, Boulder Creek used the recently obtained Cleveland Metroparks Golf Division’s email list to begin their self-promotional spam email campaign.

See a copy of the Boulder Creek SPAM email [PDF].

Since none of the golfers on any of those email lists signed up for the mailing of commercial offers from Boulder Creek, any email sent by Boulder Creek to any of these golfers clearly violates even the most loosely held definition of spam.

Shame on Boulder Creek.

Northeast Ohio Golf recommends that golfers who receive these spam emails from Boulder Creek immediately follow the archaic remove instructions provided at the bottom. These spam emails don’t have the commonly used auto-unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email, but rather require the recipient to “…send us an email with remove in the subject line…” to remove your email address from their list.

Given that, you might also want to include a brief message in your unsubscribe reply with your thoughts about the spamming of your email address…

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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