Northeast Ohio Golf Welcomes Sponsors

Three local sponsors and advertisers have stepped up to the plate so far in 2015, and Northeast Ohio Golf thanks them and welcomes their support.

Chippewa Golf Club Doylestown Ohio

Kevin Larizza
Kevin Larizza
Once again for 2015, Kevin Larizza’s Chippewa Golf Club will act as as one of the Featured Sponsors on

Kevin has been hard at work this winter preparing to launch a new-and-improved Chippewa Golf Club, with big changes in the clubhouse. Prepare for a tasty surprise!

Kevin has also decided to make a big change to his signature event series, the Chippewa Monday Scratch League. Watch this site for more details on both in the weeks ahead!

Busha Okeson Insurance AgencyNew for 2015, local amateur hotshot Chris Okeson has joined the ranks of advertiser on Northeast Ohio Golf.

His Busha-Okeson Insurance Agency as a Tournament Calendar sponsor and home page Site Supporter. If you need insurance for your business or personal auto or home policies, Chris is the man to call at 216-766-6300.

Zoar Village Golf CourseFinally, Zoar Golf Club returns as a Tourament Calendar sponsor for 2015, thanks again to Director of Golf Brad Haynes.

Brad has created a season-long series of amateur events, some for the entire region and some focused on the players of Tuscarawas County. Check out the Tournament Calendar for details!

A couple of other sponsors are finalizing their 2015 plans and will be announced soon.

Are you interested in having your business or organization featured as an advertiser on these Northeast Ohio Golf pages? Please join us! Get the details here…

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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