ADGA Finalizes 2009 Schedule After Some Changes

ADGAIn an effort to make the schedule more flexible for some of the multi-day events, and to add more one-day events to the rotation, the Akron District Golf Association has announced a series of changes with the release of its finalized 2009 tournament schedule.

Starting this year, players qualifying for the match play portions of the 2-Man Lazor Memorial and the individual Match Play Championship will schedule their own matches at a convenient time, so long as those matches are completed by specific dates. Also, so long as both competitors agree, matches may be played at any course; should an agreement not be reached, the qualifying site course must be used. The ADGA asks that the qualifying course be played if possible, as a show of support to that course.

The ADGA now has four one-day events on its schedule, adding to the calendar a “3-Man Shamble”, two different 2-Man Better Ball dates, and 4-Man Scramble.

Tim Davis has put together a great roster of the best golf courses in the Akron area, and he should be congratulated for the effort. Complete details below…

The Official 2009 ADGA Tournament Schedule:

Two-Man Better Ball: Saturday, May 2 at Turkeyfoot Lake Golf Links

Four-Man Scramble: Saturday, May 16 at Brookledge Golf Course

54-Hole Medal Play:
Round 1: Saturday, May 30 at Seven Hills Country Club
Round 2: Sunday, May 31 at Barberton Brookside C.C.
Round 3 (low 32 players): Monday, June 1 at Rawiga C.C.

Lazor Memorial 2-Man Better Ball:
Qualifier: Saturday, June 13 at Good Park GC
Team matches must be completed by these dates at Good Park GC:
Rd 1: 16 teams’ matches must be complete by June 30
Rd 2:  8 teams’ matches must be completed by July 15
Rd 3:  4 teams’ matches must be completed by July 30
Finals: remaining two teams must be complete match by August 30

Two-Man Better Ball: Saturday, June 27, Rosemont CC, Fairlawn

Match Play Championship:
Qualifier on Saturday, July 11 at Chippewa GC
Rd 1: Low 32 players (16 matches), Sunday, July 12 at Chippewa GC
Remaining matches must be completed by these dates:
Rd 2: 16 players (8 matches) completed by July 26
Rd 3:  8 players (4 matches) completed by Aug. 9
Rd 4:  4 players (2 matches) completed by Aug. 23
Finals: 2 players’ match completed by Sept. 7

Three-Man Shamble: Sunday, Aug. 16 at Lake Forest CC

Golfer of Year: Saturday-Sunday, Sept. 12-13 at Portage Country Club

Complete details on the Akron District Golf Association including online event registration for all of these tournaments can be found at

— Allen Freeman

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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