ADGA, CGA Start 2010 Seasons This Weekend

Get your entries in today for the opening events of the 2010 tournament season for the Akron District Golf Association and the Championship Golf Association this coming weekend!

ADGAThe ADGA goes first this Saturday, May 1st with their Parke H. Thornton 2-M Better Ball event at Turkeyfoot Lake Golf Links in Akron. The entry fee is $80 per player for members, $95 for non-members (year-long membership is $50), and includes the tournament entry, green fees and cart. An optional skins game and team pot is available. Entry deadline is Thursday at 9 p.m.; visit the ADGA website or call 440-848-8364 to register.

Then on Sunday, May 2nd, the CGA plays an individual stroke play event at Chippewa Golf Club in Doylestown. Entry fee is $25 for the pot, $10 for skins plus a one-time $5 membership fee and $5 event fee (there are other membership options, too). To enter, visit the CGA website or call 216-556-0219.

Then watch for the results from these events on Northeast Ohio Golf!

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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