A Little Revenge for Closing Aurora GC?

Aurora Golf ClubCalling the attorney golfers who read NEOHgolf.com: Aurora resident George Heisler needs a bit of pro bono help.

Heisler has been working diligently to fight back against what he believes was the illegal and unwarranted closing of the Aurora Golf Club last fall under the nonsensical claim of improving water quality, with after-the-fact voodoo science used by the Ohio EPA to justify the decision.

That closing cost Ohio taxpayers $4.7M from a trust, much of which eventually lined the pockets of the course owner while giving the mayor and city council a free set of buildings for their help in the process.

Heisler has been granted an Ohio Elections Commission Probable Cause Hearing on August 22 to, in his words, “make the bad guys pay a price.”

Heisler’s intent is to show fraud by then-owner Hunter Bradbury and previous Aurora mayor Lynn McGill in their election claims for a zoning change that opened up the cash drawer on this deal. That zoning change eventually allowed Banbury to sell the golf course lands to the Ohio EPA while keeping the commercial areas of the clubhouse and maintenance buildings for the benefit of himself and the Aurora city government. Heisler believes that was the plan all along, contrary to the claims used to persuade the public to agree to the zoning revision a year earlier.

If any attorney wants to aid him in this OEC hearing, contact George here

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Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

Thomas A. Skidmore Akron Attorney
Boulder Creek Golf Club
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