$800K+ Subsidy for Highland Park Golf Course Debated by Cleveland City Council

A 2019 subsidy of $806,000 for Highland Park Golf Course in Highland Hills sparked debate last Friday among members of Cleveland City Council over whether it is a good use of tax dollars.

The expense prompted some council members to question whether the City should be in the golf business, particularly for a course that isn’t located in Cleveland proper.

Matt ZoneOther council members mentioned race as a justification for subsidizing the golf course. West-side councilman Matt Zone defended the course as a place where people of color can play.

“Golf has traditionally been a white man’s sport,” Zone said. “This particular golf course is the black man’s country club. They golf there because they feel like they are at home.”

Read the full story on cleveland.com >

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Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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