2018 Fox Den Big Skins Game: 6/20 Results

2018 Fox Den Wednesday Big Skins Game

Fox Den Golf Course, Stow, OH
Wednesday, June 20 2018

Front 9 Skins: $42 each
Tyler McHugh hole 1 birdie 3, hole 5 birdie 2
Joe Vojtko hole 6 birdie 4
Kenny Chuparkoff hole 8 birdie 3

Back 9 Skins: $123 each
Chris Plute hole 15 birdie 3
Brad Hotchkiss hole 17 birdie 2
Dave Trier hole 18 birdie 3

The Fox Den Wednesday Big Skins Game is a weekly series in Stow featuring two different skins events every Wednesday afternoon: the First Nine $20 Big Skins Game has tee times between 2:30p – 3:00p; and the larger field Second Nine $20 Big Skins Game (run separately but in conjunction with a scratch league) offers tee times between 5:00p – 6:00p. No pre-registration is required; simply check in at the pro shop for one or both nines and you will be grouped with other players.

Photo of author

Joe Vojtko

Joe is the PGA Golf Professional at Fox Den Golf Course in Stow.

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