2017 Fox Den Championship: Rd1 Scores, Rd2 Times

Fox Den Course Championship

Fox Den Golf Course, Stow
Saturday, July 15, 2017

Kyle Buzaki 71
Connor McCaulley 71
Howard Clendenin 73
Taylor Rising 73
Mike Armour 74
Nate Porosky 74
Brian Smith 75
Dave Trier 75
Joe Esposito 76
John Wieland 76
Alex Loftin 78
Ryan Hostetler 78
Rob Schustrich 79
Rodney Statts 79
Fred Hanson 81
Alex Haines 81
Jim Stewart 83
Mark Wilbur 83
Derek Sibit 83
Phil Okonek 84
Nick Mrdutt 85
Nick Esposito 85
Ron Miller 86
Jack Vojtko 86
Eric Mintz 87
Seth Mihal 87
Jim Hauck 88
Bill Hodge 88
Daryl Kratzer 89
Blace Shutsa 89
Jason Tomci 90
Paul Krivos 90
Doug Okonek 91
Danny Dance 94
Doug Popek 95

$50 Big Skins, Day 1: $116 Each
Dave Trier – #1 Birdie 3
Nick Mrdutt – # 9 Birdie 2
Brian Smith – # 11 Eagle 3
Howard Clendenin – #12 Birdie 2
Rob Schustrich – #15 Birdie 3
Joe Esposito – #17 Birdie 2

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Senior AA
9:10am Doug Okonek 91 Daryl Kratzer 89
9:20am Fred Hanson 81 Jim Stewart 83 Phil Okonek 84

B Flight
9:30am Eric Mintz 87 Seth Mihal 87 Blace Shutsa 89 Jim Hauck 88

A Flight
9:50am Doug Popek 95 Jason Tomci 90 Paul Krivos 90 Bill Hodge 88
10:00am Joe Esposito 76 Rodney Statts 79 Derek Sibit 83 Nick Esposito 85

AA Championship
10:10am Danny Dance 94 Ron Miller 86 Jack Vojtko 86
10:20am Nick Mrdutt 85 Mark Wilbur 83 Alex Haines 81
10:30am Rob Schustrich 79 Alex Loftin 78 Ryan Hostetler 78 John Wieland 76
10:40am Brian Smith 75 Dave Trier 75 Mike Armour 74 Nate Porosky 74
10:50am Kyle Buzaki 71 Connor McCaulley 71 Howard Clendenin 73 Taylor Rising 73

Photo of author

Joe Vojtko

Joe is the PGA Golf Professional at Fox Den Golf Course in Stow.

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