On a perfect evening for golf, four teams tied for first place in the 2-man scramble format on the back nine at the Chippewa Scratch League on Monday, as no team could really break out of the pack or light it up with the tougher than normal hole locations.
A scramble score of 4-under par 32 finished in a four way tie at the top, and two skins worth $200 each were won on the evening.
Mike Stiller and Jeff Leonard were the big winners in Week 4, dipping their fingers into both pots and coming up with the cash. Complete results below.
League payment for the 2011 season was due Monday, so as to allow for weekly gift certificate amounts to be determined and the season-long money list updated. If you have not yet paid this year’s dues of $165 per man, you are holding up that process — so bring a check for your dues next Monday or you cannot play going forward.
2011 Chippewa Scratch League Week 4: June 6th – Scramble Back 9
T 1st ““ T. Stiller ““ Archer 32 $45.00 PP GC-TBD
T 1st ““ Leonard ““ M. Stiller 32 $45.00 PP GC-TBD
T 1st ““ Oates ““ Spino 32 $45.00 PP GC-TBD
T 1st ““ Okeson ““ D. Thompson 32 $45.00 PP GC-TBD
Leonard ““ M. Stiller #15 $200.00
Niskanen ““ T. Thompson #10 $200.00
updated July 2, 2011