Bet you’re saying to yourself, “Gee, it sure is swell that Al has put together a website listing all of the different competitive golf events around Northeast Ohio.”
“But it sure would be nifty to have a single schedule that listed every area tournament by date, so that I can see what’s coming up next on the calendar.”
“And it definitely would be cool if that calendar listed the golf course on which the event is being played, and how I can enter.”
“And it would be the cat’s meow if that calendar rolled along throughout the year, removing the events from the list that had already been played so I didn’t have to sort through all of the old stuff.”
Well, user, your internal dialogue is my command.
Check out the new Northeast Ohio Golf Tournament Calendar. The link to it is posted permanently at the top of the left-hand column for easy access. Go ahead, click it. A lot of events are posted already, and I’ll be adding more in the coming weeks.
Pretty cool, huh?
— Allen Freeman