Chippewa Scratch League – Jumble Results

On a perfect evening for golf, the Monday Chippewa Scratch League moved north to the well-conditioned Rosemont Country Club in Fairlwan for its “jumble” format and first cash/steak night of the season.

The team of Dave Oates and Sam Spino took the night’s top honor, winning by two shots over Mike Armor and Dave Trier in the 12-hole scramble / better-ball / aggregate / alternate shot format. Results and skin winners listed below.

Oates and Spino significantly padded their position in the season-long points race with the win; updated totals here.

As always, kudos to league CEO Kevin Larizza and his talented staff for the great meal, the well-conditioned golf course and a skillfully managed event.

Week 9 – 7/14/08: Jumble Cash/Steak Night, Rosemont CC 
1st   Spino – Oates 56  $430.00 
2nd   Armour – Trier 58  $100.00 
3rd   Mallette – Kracker 59 (SC)  $ 50.00 

Skins: $290 ea
Niskanen – Thompson #7  $290.00 
Weaver – Weaver #10  $290.00 

Sr. Skins: $30 ea
Niskanen – Thompson #1 & #7 
Weaver – Weaver #2 & #10 
Markham – Skorman #8 
Kline – Kline #17

— Allen Freeman

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Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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