FINAL RESULTS: 2013 Tigertown Open

2013 Tigertown Open

The Elms Country Club, Massillon Ohio
Friday, July 19, 2013


Lee, Steve63 $    5,000.00
Smith, Ben66 $    1,250.00
Stone, Mike66 $    1,250.00
Lower, Justin67 $      316.67
Sowards, Bob67 $      316.67
Weir, Steve67 $      316.67
Clark, Nathan68 $      180.00
Cuzzort, Jeff68 $      180.00
Hahn, John68 $      180.00
Scott, Jake68 $      180.00
Biles, Colin70 $        32.00
Gress, Chad70 $        32.00
Gutowski, Ryan70 $        32.00
Sattler, Blake70 $        32.00
Skirtstas, Pete70 $        32.00
Hall, Kevin71
Jackson, John71
Oliver, Jonathan71
Schembechler, Richie71
Barley, Jared72
Gleason, Adam72
Walter, Gene72
Wilson, Chase72
DeMuesy, Scott73
Frischette, Eric73
Glassman, Zachary73
McGurk, Jim73
Blakeman, Boo74
Endicott, Kyle74
Hettrick, Josh74
Lisic, Brian74
Peet, Mike74
Vaughn, Darrin74
Traeger, Dan75
Adcock, Tony76
Finney, Matt76
Frustaci, Joe76
Kasper, Paul76
Rickey, Mike76
Wenger, HJ76
Zummo, Anthony76
Bricker, Caine77
Penn, Scott77
Porter, Travis77
Pozderec, Tony77
Fanin, Josh79
Sommers, Matt79
Thornton, Jonathan79
Weaver, Pat79
Erdman, Kellen80
Miller, Justin80
Boles, Blake81
Sliwiak, Louis81
Culbertson, Ryan68 $      575.00
Spino, Bob68 $      575.00
Crouch, Tim69 $      350.00
Hepner, Tim70 $      275.00
Lagodich, Logan70 $      275.00
Light, Tyler71 $      187.50
Myles, Garrison71 $      187.50
Clark, Jon72 $      118.75
Crewse, Aaron72 $      118.75
McBride, Jake72 $      118.75
Stallsmith, Anthony72 $      118.75
Anagnost, Nick73 $        42.50
Booth, Andrew73 $        42.50
Davidson, Drew73 $        42.50
Hunt, Marcus73 $        42.50
Lambos, Nick73 $        42.50
Pope, Michael73 $        42.50
Tanaka, Satoshi73 $        42.50
Thomarios, Adam73 $        42.50
Clay, Josh74
Earle, Kenny74
Foutty, Blake74
Lemasters, Brian74
Paxos, Nick74
Tidenberg, John74
Colangelo, Nick75
Headley, Ryan75
Scheetz, Curtis75
Bowman, Eric76
Furlong, John76
Mallette, Jeff76
Arman, Adam77
Byrne, Brendan77
Sweany, Michael77
Vanckunas, Stephen77
Behr, Justin78
Bordman, Rod78
Krier, Dan78
Smith, Vincent78
Alcorn, Dustin79
Kasunick, Jarrod79
McKenzie, Joe79
Koprivec, Ken80
Mallette, Adam80
Miller, JR81
Oates, Dave81
Shermis, Ryan81
Snell, Dave81
Walnsch, Chandler81
Hoover, Isaac82
Sullivan, Mike82
Cockerham, Jeff83
Mallette, Ryan83
Vellios, Yianni83
Walnsch, Corbin83
Dudley, Matt84
Wieszczyk, Matt84
Geitgey, Dustin85
Letson, Chris85
Mullet, Brent85
Gidcumb, Tim86
Jones, Brad86
Marino, Mike86
Schmidt, Mike86
Tyler, Jeff86
Vellios, John86
Widner, Joshua87
Adams, Austin88
Hopple, Matt88
Jones, Bryan88
Hanson, Gary89
Mokros, Mark89
Anthony, Travis90
Fletcher, David90
Martin, Rich91
Miller, Raymond92
Chase, George95
Milam, Michael95
Moyer, Eric97
Foutty, Tyler108
Bartow, NateNC
Cunningham, BrianNC
Schmidt, LukeNC
Cichra, Jim72 $    1,000.00
Milam, Tony73 $      300.00
Bush, Ray75 $      130.00
Robertson, Walt76
Cornell, Scott77
Holcomb, Joe77
Rankin, Mike78
Papa, Russell79
Marino, Steve82
Gress, JeffNC
Lagodich, MikeNC
Freudiman, Dave70 $      400.00
Savage, Doug72 $      300.00
Eberhardt, Tim74 $      150.00
Riggs, Barry74 $      150.00
Groves, Frank75 $        75.00
Rositani, Ron75 $        75.00
Chirumbolo, Bruno76
Krenzer, Jim76
Marsinek, Ed76
Niedzialek, John77
Szwast, Terry77
Spino, Sam78
Antonosanti, Tom79
Congin, Gary80
McCormick, Bill80
Tuscano, Frank80
Hastler, Mark81
Vogt, Blaine81
Negulici, Scott83
Steiner, Doug83
Sullivan, Kevin83
Goff, Dave84
Pritchard, Bill86
Stutzman, Mike92
Evans, Barry93
Howe, Chuck102
Mennel, Jim103
Luckenbaugh, Troy110
Heavner, TimNC
Hedrick, JoeNC
Johnson, ErnestNC
Kern, JohnNC
Tarter, JimNC
Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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