AJGA Returns to Red Tail June 17-20th

AJGAThe American Junior Golf Association will return to northeast Ohio as 96 of the nation’s top junior golfers compete in the Junior All-Star at Red Tail on June 17-20, at Red Tail Golf Club in Avon, Ohio.

Red Tail Golf Club, open since 1999, will host an AJGA event for the eighth consecutive year.

The tournament practice round will be held Monday, June 17, while tournament rounds will be played Tuesday, June 18, through Thursday, June 20.

Tee times for all three rounds will run 7 a.m. ““ 12:10 p.m. off the No. 1 tee at Red Tail Golf Club.

Guests are welcome to attend and admission is free.

For more information, visit ajga.org.

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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